Bac Son Trading and Service Copany Limited


Bac Son Trading and Service Copany Limited with short name is Bac Son Co., Ltd, foreign name is Bac Son Trading and Service Copany Limited, original name is Công ty thương mại và dịch vụ Bắc Sơn (TNHH), operations over 16 years in Wholesale of machines, equipment and machine spare parts. Director: Mr/Ms. Nguyễn Trọng Mạnh . Contact Information: Số 136, phố Chợ Sơn, xã Việt Đoàn, Tien Du District, Bac Ninh Province, Viet Nam. Phone:

Map to Bac Son Trading and Service Copany Limited

Map to Bac Son Trading and Service Copany Limited
Tax Code:
Office Address: Số 136, phố Chợ Sơn, xã Việt Đoàn, Tien Du District, Bac Ninh Province, Viet Nam

Short Name:

Name in Foreign Language:



License ID: , date 23-01-2008

Date Active: 2008-02-01