
with short name is KHANH TUNG COMPANY LIMITED, original name is Công Ty TNHH Thương Mại - Dịch Vụ - Sản Xuất Khánh Tùng, operations over 17 years in Producing other foodstuffs not yet classified in any other category. Director: Mr/Ms. Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Nhung . Contact Information: Số 232 đường ĐT 741, Kp Phước Trung, Phường Long Phước, Phuoc Long Town, Binh Phuoc Province, Viet Nam. Phone:

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Tax Code:
Office Address: Số 232 đường ĐT 741, Kp Phước Trung, Phường Long Phước, Phuoc Long Town, Binh Phuoc Province, Viet Nam

Short Name:


License ID: , date 17-01-2007

Date Active: 2007-02-01