Huy Hoang Investment Construction and Urban Derelopment Jiont Stock Company


Huy Hoang Investment Construction and Urban Derelopment Jiont Stock Company with short name is HUDICO, foreign name is Huy Hoang Investment Construction and Urban Derelopment Jiont Stock Company, original name is Công Ty Cổ Phần Đầu Tư Xây Dựng Và Phát Triển Đô Thị Huy Hoàng, operations over 15 years in Building civil engineering works. Director: Mr/Ms. Lê Văn Hạnh . Contact Information: Số 85, Lê Hồng Phong, tổ 22, Phường Minh Khai, Ha Giang City, Ha Giang Province, Viet Nam. Phone: , Fax: (+84)2193887720

Map to Huy Hoang Investment Construction and Urban Derelopment Jiont Stock Company

Map to Huy Hoang Investment Construction and Urban Derelopment Jiont Stock Company
Tax Code:
Office Address: Số 85, Lê Hồng Phong, tổ 22, Phường Minh Khai, Ha Giang City, Ha Giang Province, Viet Nam

Short Name:

Name in Foreign Language:


License ID: , date 12-11-2010

Date Active: 2009-08-25

Branch Huy Hoang Investment Construction and Urban Derelopment Jiont Stock Company

Phòng 210 tòa nhà 18 T - 2 phố Lê Văn Lương, Phường Nhân Chính, Thanh Xuan District

Featured Economics

  • Building civil engineering works
  • Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture
  • Mining Minerals