
with short name is VIET NAM TAX CO.,LTD, original name is Công Ty TNHH Dịch Vụ Thuế Việt Nam, operations over 13 years in Management consultancy. Director: Mr/Ms. Vũ Hồng Sơn . Contact Information: Số nhà 8, tổ 5, thôn Quán Tình, Phường Giang Biên, Long Bien District, Ha Noi City, Viet Nam.

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Tax Code:
Office Address: Số nhà 8, tổ 5, thôn Quán Tình, Phường Giang Biên, Long Bien District, Ha Noi City, Viet Nam

Short Name:


License ID: , date 27-07-2011

Date Active: 2011-07-27