
with short name is THIENPHAT GT CO.,LTD, original name is Công Ty TNHH Thương Mại Tổng Hợp Thiên Phát, operations over 14 years in Retail of other foodstuffs in specialized stores. Director: Mr/Ms. Lê Thúy Hằng . Contact Information: Phòng 8, dãy P4 Tân Mai, Phường Tân Mai, Hoang Mai District, Ha Noi City, Viet Nam. Phone:

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Tax Code:
Office Address: Phòng 8, dãy P4 Tân Mai, Phường Tân Mai, Hoang Mai District, Ha Noi City, Viet Nam

Short Name:


License ID: , date 22-10-2010

Date Active: 2010-10-22