
with short name is THIEN TRUONG COMPANY LIMITED, original name is Công ty TNHH một thành viên Thiên Trường, operations over 16 years in Producing suitcases, bags and other similar products, producing cushioned saddles. Director: Mr/Ms. Bùi Anh Tuấn . Contact Information: Số 16 đường Trần Bích San - Trần Quang Khải, Nam Dinh City, Nam Dinh Province, Viet Nam. Phone:

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Tax Code:
Office Address: Số 16 đường Trần Bích San - Trần Quang Khải, Nam Dinh City, Nam Dinh Province, Viet Nam

Short Name:



License ID: , date 29-02-2008

Date Active: 2008-02-29