Thanh Thao Trading - Production - Construction Company Limited.


Thanh Thao Trading - Production - Construction Company Limited. with short name is Thanh Thao Co.,Ltd, foreign name is Thanh Thao Trading - Production - Construction Company Limited., original name is Cty TNHH Xây Dựng SX-TM- Thành Thảo, operations over 15 years in Building civil engineering works. Director: Mr/Ms. Trương Hoàng Thành . Contact Information: Số 182, Đường Lê Lợi, Khu 2,TT Trà Ôn, Tra On District, Vinh Long Province, Viet Nam. Phone:

Map to Thanh Thao Trading - Production - Construction Company Limited.

Map to Thanh Thao Trading - Production - Construction Company Limited.
Tax Code:
Office Address: Số 182, Đường Lê Lợi, Khu 2,TT Trà Ôn, Tra On District, Vinh Long Province, Viet Nam

Short Name:

Name in Foreign Language:


License ID: , date 09-03-2009

Date Active: 2009-03-19